Georgina Rayment

Living Together: Cohabitation Agreements & Declarations of Trust

Georgina Rayment | 1st September 2021
A family lawyer’s day, more often than not, involves dealing with the ending of relationships. It is therefore welcome respite to work on more positive projects, such as helping a couple in the first flush of love move their relationship to the next…
Ian Waine

Lockdown and beyond – Reflections at the end of week 75

Ian Waine | 27th August 2021
There are worse lives to have than that of a British middle class family’s dog. As I write this, my dog has been out for a gambol across the fields, has been fed and is now curled up in an old chair in my study putting in a hard shift of sleep until…
Ian Waine

Lockdown and beyond – Reflections at the end of week 74

Ian Waine | 20th August 2021
I suspect that, other than what we are actually working on and how much of it we are doing, we all have personal markers on general levels of economic activity from time to time. Volumes of traffic, occupancy of trains, numbers of builders’ skips in…
Graham Mead

Business Interruption Insurance - Are your insurers refusing to pay?

Graham Mead | 19th August 2021
Business Interruption Insurance has been a hot topic since the Covid-19 pandemic began. Many businesses across the UK were initially hopeful that their insurance would pay out to help them with the losses that they incurred because of the Government…