Ian Waine

Lockdown and beyond - Reflections at the end of week 78

Ian Waine | 17th September 2021
When I started this column in March last year, there was an awareness, through information rather than experience, of the threat to life that the Covid virus represented, and an understanding that it would have an immediate and significant effect on…
Louise Plant

How long will my personal injury case take to settle?

Louise Plant | 14th September 2021
When meeting new clients and taking on claims for personal injury, one of the first questions that we are often asked as personal injury practitioners is “how long will my case take to settle?”
Ian Waine

Lockdown and beyond – Reflections at the end of week 77

Ian Waine | 10th September 2021
Those of you who have read these notes on a regular basis may recall me posing from time to time the question of how the significant spending incurred by the government over the last 18 months would be paid for. We started to see the answer to that…
Ian Waine

Lockdown and beyond – reflections at the end of week 76

Ian Waine | 3rd September 2021
Whether it’s the product of having had an old fashioned education in which the commitment of facts to memory played an important part regardless of their usefulness (for example, my classmates and I were expected to know about rods, chains and…