Protecting Staff Post Lockdown

Louise Plant & Vanessa Bell advises companies to protect staff post-lockdown

As the country experiences life without coronavirus restrictions, our Louise Plant is advising companies not to be complacent with their employee’s health.

Monday, July 19, which was referred to as ‘Freedom Day’, marked Stage 4 of the roadmap out of lockdown set out by the Prime Minister in February.

While many people might see it as a breath of mask-free air, for others it is a cause for anxiety, especially those who work in busy environments.

Louise Plant, Senior Associate, from the Ipswich-based solicitors Prettys, said: “Employees are at the heart of every business, so it is only right their health is looked after and their concerns are respected.

“Many people may not feel comfortable with the lifting of restrictions, and this should not be overlooked.

“All businesses should have an existing Covid-19 risk assessment in place, so it is important to review it and adapt it, if necessary, to accommodate any changes.”

In light of this stage of the easing of restrictions, the Government guidance is recommending that workplaces focus on providing adequate ventilation to indoor areas, undertake regular cleaning, reduce social contact where possible still, and to encourage staff and visitors to wear face coverings in crowded spaces.

Anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19 or been in close contact with someone who has, must still, except where exempted, self-isolate. Employers can still be fined if they allow or request staff to attend the workplace when they should be self-isolating.

We are encouraging companies to liaise with their employees about their individual needs for returning to the workplace, to ensure they feel comfortable.

Louise added: “It is crucial that employers take on board their staff members’ views before deciding what works best for the workplace going forward. For many people, especially vulnerable individuals, removing safety practices and procedures overnight could cause increased anxiety.”

If a company’s risk assessment is being amended, employers should communicate any changes being made and take feedback on board.

The practices and procedures in place should be monitored and companies must keep on top of Government guidance and updates.

As we enter into the holiday season, it is important to know what must be considered. The need to self-isolate after returning from overseas depends on the destination. Whilst people who return from amber listed countries do not have to self-isolate if they have had both doses of the coronavirus vaccination, we know from experience over the past few months that the traffic-light system can change with little notice. Therefore, it is likely that employees are suddenly “caught-out” with the need to isolate after a holiday.

If an employee can work from home, the need to self-isolate is likely to not be an issue. However, if they cannot, employers should be clear from the outset as to the arrangements that will be in place. This can include requiring the employee to take further holiday to cover their absence or perhaps take a period of unpaid leave.  Vanessa Bell, Employment Law partner recommends companies have a clear holiday policy in place so staff know what to expect.

New legislation was introduced in March 2020 meaning workers could carry holiday forward to the following year if coronavirus has prevented them from taking leave.  Therefore, many employees do have additional holiday they are looking to take and employers will need to give workers the opportunity to take such carried-over holiday.

Furloughed staff members continue to accrue holiday and, if they take annual leave while on furlough, they must receive full pay. Employers can still claim the CJRS grant from the Government to cover most of the holiday pay but this has reduced to 70% and will reduce further to 60% of employees’ pay from 1st August.

Deciding what is best for your workplace and employees continues to be a hard balance to strike. Any businesses requiring assistance in light of the Governments recommendations and how they should be applied to the workplace, contact either Louise or Vanessa at

Louise Plant
Senior Associate