There are a number of questions that clients often ask when considering whether to make a claim for compensation for personal injury and loss as a result of an accident or incident that was the fault of someone else.

Below, we set out a number of those questions and the answers to assist you when considering whether you can make a claim.

1. Is there a time limit for making a personal injury claim?


Generally, the rule is that you have 3 years from the date that either:
(a) The accident and therefore the injury occurred; or
(b) From the date that you were aware that the injury sustained was caused by the fault of a third party.

However, not all accidents and injuries have the same time limits applied to them. For example, claims submitted to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, have a 2 year limit, and accidents that take place abroad may have either shorter or longer time limits apply.

It is therefore important that if you wish to bring a claim for personal injury, you contact a legal representative as soon as possible who can advise you as to the appropriate time limits that apply to your case.

2. How much is my claim worth?

There are often two parts to a claim for compensation:

(a) The first part of the claim is called “General Damages” and this is compensation for the actual injury and therefore the pain, suffering and loss of amenity that you have suffered as a result of the accident / incident in question.

(b) The second part of your claim is referred to as “Special Damages” and this is compensation for the financial losses that flow from the injury and symptoms suffered.

Examples of special damage include, loss of earnings, care received (often from family members or friends), travelling expenses (for example to attend upon healthcare providers), cost of treatment and medication expenses, and damage to belongings.

3. What is the claims process and how can Prettys help?

(a) We provide an initial consultation to discuss your case with you and to decide whether it is something that we can assist you with.

(b) We will then investigate your claim further if necessary, and then submit your claim to the third party and ask whether they will accept responsibility for your accident / illness.

(c) We will then consider the extent of the injury that you have suffered and instruct medical experts to provide evidence dealing with the injury / illness that you have suffered.

(d) Once we have obtained all evidence in respect of the extent of the injury / illness that you have suffered and your losses, we will then advise you in respect of the value of your claim, and make appropriate recommendations in terms of a settlement.

4. How long does will my case take to settle?

It may only take a few months to settle your claim for personal injury if responsibility is accepted quickly by the third party, and your recovery from your injuries is such that we can value the matter swiftly and proceed with your claim to settlement.

Accidents / incidents that cause more severe injuries and symptoms and which result in the client requiring extensive and ongoing treatment may take much longer before a settlement can be reached and the claim brought to a conclusion.

5. Will I have to attend court?

The vast majority of cases settle without proceeding to court, but in certain cases where responsibility for your accident is not accepted by the third party, or if there is a dispute over the value of your claim, then you may be required to attend a Court hearing.

6. What is a “No Win No Fee” agreement?

The majority of the personal injury cases that we take on at Prettys are on a “No Win No Fee” basis. This means that if we are not successful in pursuing your claim for personal injury against the third party, we will not seek to recover the legal fees we have incurred from you.

About us

Prettys’ Personal Injury team are based in Ipswich and provide a tailored and dedicated service to deal with your claim.

Combining the legal expertise of a personal injury law firm with exceptional client care, we take a sensitive and personalised approach to every case. From your initial instruction all the way through to completion, we are here to offer you tailored support and peace of mind.

We offer advice and assistance on a vast range of personal injury claims at home and abroad including:

  • Road traffic accidents
  • Accidents / incidents at work resulting in injury or illness
  • Slips, trips and falls
  • Defective premises claims
  • Animal attacks
  • Defective products and services claims
  • Criminal Injuries Compensation claims

Our experienced team are able to assist with everything from cuts and bruises, through to the more serious injuries (such as spinal or brain injuries) as well as dealing with accidents which result in fatalities.

We work alongside a range of local experts, and in particular medical providers / rehabilitation experts who we can call upon to assist you to get back on your feet as soon as possible.

Our aim is to get you back in the position you were in prior to the accident or illness occurring, and to ensure that you are fully compensated for the losses you have suffered.

If you have had an accident, and suffered personal injury and loss, and you aren’t sure whether you have a claim, please contact our team on 01473 232121 or send us an e mail at for assistance.

Louise Plant
Senior Associate