Lockdown - Reflections at the end of week 5

| 24th April 2020
In my earlier notes in this series, a number of themes have continued to come up, the furlough scheme, rent and commercial landlords and the extent to which direct support from government will be made available to businesses being amongst them.…

Lockdown - Reflections at the end of week 4

| 17th April 2020
It is remarkable how what seemed unimaginable at the end of February has become normal life, so much so, that yesterday’s announcement of the extension of the lockdown for a further 3 week period was met with, in general, an air of calm…

Lockdown - Reflections at the end of week 3

| 9th April 2020
The end of week three of the lockdown being a public holiday, this week’s reflections come a day early. This in itself indicates one of the peculiarities that many, including me, are experiencing in the lockdown, with the rhythm of the working…
Graham Mead

Residential Landlord And Tenant: The Abolition Of Section 21 Notices

Graham Mead | 9th April 2020
In April 2019, the Government announced that it planned to scrap Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 and thereby end a landlord’s ability to obtain possession on the ‘no fault’ ground.