Ian Waine

Lockdown – Reflections at the end of week 19

Ian Waine | 31st July 2020
I am conscious that in recent weeks, these pieces have tended towards commentary in aspects of the United Kingdom under lockdown which are not cheerful. At the end of this week, there are many things to perpetuate the lack of cheer. People are still…
Louise Plant

Return to the Workplace? Updated guidance on employer’s duties in light of COVID-19

Louise Plant | 30th July 2020
Throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic over the last few months, the government guidance has been that as a first option, if employees can work from home, then they should do so.  
Ian Waine

Lockdown – Reflections at the end of week 18

Ian Waine | 24th July 2020
My experiences this week have emphasized to me two aspects in particular of the current point in our collective journey through the lockdown period. The first is that, for many who still have a job or who own a business which is able to trade with…

The importance of making a Will for unmarried couples

| 22nd July 2020
Our advice is simple, everyone should make a Will, no matter the size of their estate.   Not only will having a properly drafted Will give you the peace of mind that your wishes will be respected but it will also make the situation much…