Non-reliance statement in a lease excluding liability for misrepresentation is not reasonable under Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977

| 3rd July 2018
Sometimes sellers or landlords seek to contractually exclude liability for misrepresentation (i.e. providing incorrect information to a buyer or a tenant) in property transactions by including a ‘non reliance’ statement in the contract…

Heterosexual couple have won the right for a civil partnership

| 27th June 2018
Rebecca Steinfeld and Charles Keidan have won their right to have a legal union by way of civil partnership rather than marriage.  The couple, who have two young children, argued successfully in the Supreme Court that the ban on different sex…

Long Leaseholders Beware if Letting Rooms or Whole Flat Under Airbnb Style Arrangements

| 30th May 2018
In the recent case of Bermondsey Exchange Freeholders Limited v Ninos Koumetto (as Trustee in Bankruptcy of Kevin Geoghegan Conway), the flat owner had advertised his entire flat as available for bookings on the Airbnb platform. The claimant’s…

BUYERS BEWARE - Implications of SDLT for Overage Payments in Contracts for Sale of Land

| 24th May 2018
‘Overage’ is a term connected with  land disposals, which allows the Seller to ‘clawback’ a further payment over and above the original selling price from the Buyer on a contingent event occurring such as obtaining a more valuable planning…