Continuing a dialogue
Even in the most difficult circumstances, continuing a dialogue maintains the possibility of agreeing points of compromise so focus can shift to resolving points of dispute. This offers a constructive approach to resolving conflict and avoids lingering feelings of acrimony and anger that overshadow all communication. This is all the more important where children are involved.
Prettys’ family team is unique in offering a variety of choices when it comes to trying to resolve a problem outside court. We provide the services our clients require, and what our clients repeatedly tell us is that they do not want to spend money going to court if it can be avoided. We developed Talking Works to bring under one service all methods of round table work. One of the most well-known processes for resolution in family cases is mediation. We take the opportunity to provide a mediation service extremely seriously and all of the solicitors in the team are trained, or training to be, specialist family law mediators.
mediation for
Divorce, separation and disputes
We advocate the benefits of reaching solutions for divorce, separation and any related disputes in formal round table meetings outside of court. Prettys has the quality mark of accreditation for mediation services and many local solicitors refer their clients to the family team for mediation. If you are uncertain about sitting in a room with your partner but want to use mediation to avoid court, we can facilitate shuttle mediation, so you do not have to be in the same room together. We can also undertake co-mediations where an additional member of our family team works with you at no extra cost. This can help to balance the dynamic in the room so that each of you feels supported and heard.

Mediation information & assessment meetings
Before any joint mediation or court application can progress, each participant must each attend this solo meeting. In the 60 minute session you will express what you hope to achieve from mediation, learn more about the process and we will assess whether this route is right for you. If it is, we can arrange joint mediation sessions; if it is not, we can provide the paperwork necessary for you to proceed with a court application or advise on other processes for resolution.

Victoria Mayhew offers a MIAM for a fixed fee of £250 + VAT
We are participating in the Family Mediation Voucher Scheme, which means you might be eligible for a voucher of up to £500 towards the costs of joint mediation sessions. Contact Victoria Mayhew for further information on this.
If you’re interested in finding out more about what our Talking Works and mediation services could do for you, feel free to get in touch with our friendly team today. If you or your solicitor wish to refer for mediation, please submit details here:
Key contacts
In-depth understanding of family law
Prettys combines an in-depth understanding of family law with the practical experience needed to facilitate successful mediation work. The team has had cases referred by judges when the court process has concluded without success and have still managed to find resolution. Recognising that no family dispute is the same, our team offers a bespoke service to suit you and your circumstances.
Whether your dispute concerns arrangements for children, finances or anything else, our team offers the breadth of experience needed to resolve whatever difficulty comes your way. As a result, you can enjoy peace of mind that any disputes are handled with the utmost confidence and care.
If you would like to discuss how our family mediation services can help you, contact our team on 01473 232121, enquire online, or send us an email via
Please note we do not offer legal aid but are always happy to talk over your case and fees.
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Posted on: 26/11/2024