Abusive relationships and domestic abuse


Ending a relationship

Financial claims

Starting a relationship

Family mediation services

Talking Works

Key contacts

Georgie Hall


Georgie Hall

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Demelza Butler Family Law Solicitor


Demelza Butler

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Georgina Rayment


Georgina Rayment

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Victoria Mayhew

Senior Associate

Victoria Mayhew

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Why choose Prettys?

Appreciating the importance of dialogue, our family team is unique in offering an innovative and creative service known as Talking Works. This service can be used by you and your partner to discuss round table the particulars of your relationship, ensuring that you each get the chance to voice any concerns and clarify what’s important to you. You can instruct a member of the family team to advise you and, rather than taking an adversarial approach, we will invite your partner, and their solicitor if they are using one, to meetings to talk about how to lay a strong legal foundation for your relationship. We work constructively to ensure you are protected because we want your relationship to be as long-lasting as you do.  

If you are in need of legal advice when starting a new relationship, solicitors in Prettys’ specialist family team can help you. Contact us on 01473 232121, complete our contact form or send us an email via familylaw@prettys.co.uk.

Please note we do not offer legal aid but are always happy to talk over your case and fees.

Contact us

    We would ask for the following documents (if applicable) to assist us in understanding your enquiry:

    • Background documents
    • Contractual documents
    • Correspondence with the other party / parties
    • Any court documents

    Thank you for providing your personal information. Please be aware that we will use that information to get in touch with you regarding your enquiry. You can find more information about how we process your personal data by clicking here.