No matter how serious, road traffic accidents (RTAs) are always distressing experiences.

If you are a victim of an RTA, then you could have a case for compensation and to assist you ahead of any claim, there are important steps you should take/pieces of evidence that you should gather if possible.

Immediately following an accident, if possible, the first steps you should take include:

  • Seeking medical attention – even if you are feeling ok, it is important to get checked over
  • Get the details of all those involved:
    • For vehicles, this includes registration numbers, the make, model and colour of the vehicles involved
    • For people, obtain their phone numbers, addresses and insurance details. Also, be sure to write a description of the person involved and who you believe to be responsible for the RTA
  • If possible, take photographs of the accident location, the vehicles involved, and the damage caused
  • Contact the police and report the incident – while they may not always be required to attend the accident, if any person refuses to provide their details at the scene, you must report them to the police
  • If you are the owner of the vehicle involved in the accident, inform your insurer at the earliest opportunity
  • Get the details of any witnesses including their telephone numbers – and their own accounts of what happened – they could back up your claim
  • Keep your own record of the incident – this can include writing down what happened and taking photos of any injuries sustained
  • Keep records of all expenses that you may have incurred as a result of the incident and any injuries sustained – for example, loss of earnings, travel expenses and any medication costs

If your property or vehicle has been damaged as a result of an RTA, or you’ve been injured, then you can make a claim.

Personal injury and loss claims following an RTA come in two parts: 

  1. Compensation for the pain and suffering sustained as a result of the accident
  2. Compensation for any financial losses flowing from that accident and injury – this could come in the form of the cost of vehicle repairs, medication and treatment costs or loss of earnings due to injuries sustained.

It is important therefore that if possible, you capture as much information about the accident, injuries and losses sustained, so that if you do wish to make a claim at a later date, the evidence and information that you need is already to hand to assist in the progression of your claim as quickly as possible.

For more information or advice on how to make a claim, get in touch with Prettys’ Personal Injury team. Contact Louise Plant by calling 01473 298293 or email